
Award/Winning Japan

Rinnai Given Bronze Class Ranking in RobecoSAM’s Sustainability Yearbook 2014

Rinnai Corporation, a comprehensive manufacturer of energy appliances that supports heat and people’s lifestyles, was recently awarded a Bronze Class ranking in the Sustainability Yearbook 2014. The Yearbook is published by RobecoSAM, a world-renowned evaluator of socially responsible investments (SRIs).


RobecoSAM evaluates the sustainability of around 3,000 companies worldwide from economic, environmental, and social perspectives. The top 15% performers are included in the Sustainability Yearbook, out of which those with exceptional qualities are given one of three rankings—Gold, Silver, or Bronze.


The Sustainability Yearbook 2014 recognizes 222 companies, including 19 Japanese firms, across 59 divisions. Rinnai received a Bronze Class ranking in the Household Durables Division. This is testament to our CSR-oriented business promotion activities, especially initiatives to minimize the environmental impact of our operations.


Every year since 2004, Rinnai has also been included in the FTSE4 Good Index Series, a prominent SRI index.



Going forward, we will continue working to create a sustainable society based on our commitment to “heat and comfortable lifestyles,” “quality,” and “contributing to local communities,” which together embody the Rinnai spirit.



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